A Warm Welcome to the Office of Teaching and Learning!




The Office of Teaching and Learning (OTL) collaborates to enable and promote research-based, equitable teaching and learning across UC Santa Barbara.

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Pre-Fall Workshops for Instructors and Teaching Assistants

Welcome to Fall 2024! We at the Office of Teaching and Learning have an exciting set of Pre-Fall teaching workshops lined up to help you prepare for classes, including topics such as:

  • Artificial Intelligence in Courses
  • Designing Courses with Diversity, Equity and Inclusion in Mind
  • Engaging Students via Educational Technologies
  • (Inter)Active Learning Strategies
  • Classroom Lectern Training

Workshops begin on September 16 and most will be held via Zoom. Click here to see the full list of workshops with dates, times and registration links.



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Undergraduate Research and Creative Activities (URCA)

The Office of Undergraduate Research and Creative Activities facilitates equitable access, opportunities, and support for students producing knowledge.

Visit URCA

ONDAS Student Center (OSC)

The ONDAS Student Center at UCSB promotes the success and retention of first-generation college students with an emphasis on the first year transition and underrepresented student experience.

Visit the ONDAS Student Center

Transfer Student Center (TSC)

Founded in 2016, the Transfer Student Center is a space for students who have transferred to UCSB to make connections: with each other, with the resources of the campus, and with pathways to academic and career success.

Visit the Transfer Student Center


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