The Certificate in Inclusive Teaching (CIT) is designed for UCSB graduate students and postdocs, to help them foster inclusive classrooms, effectively mentor a diverse student body, and enhance their professional development. To earn the certificate, participants must attend at least one workshop or event from each of the four themes:

  • Course Design
  • Instruction
  • Mentorship & Student Support
  • Professional Development

Join the CIT Canvas page

Join the Certificate in Inclusive Teaching Canvas page to view the list of workshops and events available each quarter, and to be up to date with announcements and updates.

Participants do not need to petition to Graduate Division to obtain the CIT, and it will not be added to the participants' degree. Participants can complete the CIT at any time during their degree by fulfilling all the requirements (attend a minimum of 4 workshops/initiatives from the 4 CIT themes and submit a final reflection), and will receive a certificate of completion that they will be able to include on their personal website and/or CV for their professional development. This is a flexible resource for participants at any stage of their teaching career at UCSB and from any field of study, who can choose workshops that are most relevant and interesting to them.

Watch the CIT Introductory Video

Video file

Testimonials from CIT Participants

Wondering if the CIT is right for you? Here's what participants who completed the program had to say about how the certificate enhanced their teaching methods and contributed to their professional growth:

“I  have learned to value diversity in student backgrounds and to tailor my course design accordingly, incorporating various teaching methods and materials that resonate with a diverse classroom.”

“I learned so much as a participant in these conversations:  I learned many ways to make my teaching, course/assignment design, and mentorship more racially equitable and more inclusive in general, from incorporating minoritized authors in required readings, to offering varied formats for assignments, to avoiding using jargon and acronyms.”

“These workshops provided me with an opportunity to think more deeply about my pedagogy and how it contributes to creating inclusive learning experiences. I’m currently on the job market and pedagogy has consequently been on my mind quite a bit, so I was grateful for the chance to think through some of these issues in more depth and to learn about different techniques and frameworks for making my teaching more inclusive.”

“The workshops I've participated in have profoundly influenced both my pedagogical approach and personal growth. Each provided insights that have reshaped how I view my role as an educator and individual within academia.”

“Thank you for organizing so many events that are helpful to teachers all across disciplines. I learned about the large variety of perspectives and types of learning that has been proven most effective for modern students which helped frame my thoughts on best practices for teaching. I am excited for a career in which I can have a positive influence on young people to pursue their goals without unnecessary barriers.”